Managing driver safety and compliance is crucial for maintaining a successful operation. A & J Fleet Services specializes in DOT Clearinghouse Service to help you stay in line with federal regulations and ensure your drivers meet the required standards. Our comprehensive DOT Clearinghouse services include managing and accessing essential records related to drug and alcohol violations. We understand the importance of maintaining up-to-date and accurate records for both state vehicle inspection and overall fleet management.
As a trusted truck inspection contractor, we offer a thorough truck inspection service that complements our DOT Clearinghouse services. We also collaborate with a drug consortium to provide comprehensive solutions for managing drug and alcohol testing compliance. Our team of skilled truck inspectors and car inspectors is dedicated to delivering precise and timely results. Our services are open to all clients and designed to accommodate various needs while maintaining the highest standards of compliance. Reach out to us today to ensure your fleet remains compliant and to manage your DOT Clearinghouse requirements efficiently.